Monday 31 October 2011

Apple Chilli Sauce

After a glut of apples this year I was struggling a little to come up with other uses for them. After pies, jams and stews there didn't seem a lot more I could do. Some might say I shouldn't have taken a whole bag full of free apples from the neighbour, but turning down free food isn't in my nature.

It occurred to me some time ago that apples might make a good base for a chilli sauce. Pete got quite enthusiastic about making his own chilli sauces when he got some chipotles, and I wanted a fruitier, green version.

Pete's birthday happened to coincide with the apple surplus, so chilli sauce it was.

You will need:
2-3 small to medium cooking apples
1 large or 2 small onions
1 small jar green Jalapenos (Discovery brand are good)
1 green pepper
1-2 small, mild green chillis
1 lemon (juice and zest)

Peel and chop the onions and apples, and sweat in a saucepan with a little oil. Add the drained Jalapenos, and cook until soft.

In the meantime, chop and de-seed the pepper and chillis, and cover with boiling water. This will soften them but keep them fresh.

Add the peppers and chilli, along with the juice and zest of a lemon.

Once everything is mixed in chuck it all in the blender, and add enough water to make it smooth. Pass it through a sieve and bottle it.

This is a really versatile sauce, and goes particularly well with anything salty.

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