Friday 16 July 2010

Euphonic Pea-Broth

Quick one today, I had this for lunch just now.

Yesterday I got a big ole bag of peas in their pods from the greengrocer. I hadn't cooked with fresh peas before so I wanted to something a little more interesting than just peas as a side to a main meal. This, to me, suggested some sort of broth (I say broth rather than soup as I wanted to keep the peas whole and floating in stock rather than blend them. This is probably not the actual difference between a broth and a soup, but it sounds about right).

So today I spent a very repetitive but relaxing ten minutes shelling the peas, then added about a pint of vegetable stock and a couple of chopped spring onions that I had going spare. I also added a bayleaf for good measure but I think this was superfluous. After bringing to the boil I left it to simmer for 5-10 minutes, then added a handful of chopped parsley. I turned off the heat and left it to cool a little. The sun had come out a little so I fancied serving it warm rather than piping hot.

And very nice it was too. Not exactly hearty, but I think this would work very well as a starter. It's also a fantastic bright green colour and feels very fresh and summery.


  1. Sounds delicious I'm going to look out for some peas so I can try it. Why is it Euphonic though??

  2. "Euphonic Pibroch", while meaningless, is a handy euphemism for bagpipe music. I saw it used by someone whose first language was not english to describe an aspect of Scottish culture. I liked the phrase and replaced Pibroch with Pea-broth, making something already meaningless into something entirely nonsensical.
